Boost your Shopify store’s sales by up to 235% without spending an extra penny on traffic

A Special Message to All Shopify Store Owners Who Want to Rapidly Grow An E-commerce Business:

Here’s what Mo Ali Aguel has to say about eCom Conversions:

“Do yourself and your business a favor and take action on it”

Here’s what 7-figure POD seller, Nishant Bhardwaj has to say:

Bradley’s methodology for uncovering usability issues and visitors’ sales objections gave us some eye-opening insights about what was affecting conversions.
We had a 20% lift in conversions just from making our site search bar more prominent!

If you need to grow a web business, work with Bradley.

Kevin Stecko

I see a lot of content, courses, and guides in the e-commerce and internet marketing space. It’s rare to find non-rehashed material that’s actually original.
Serious props to Brad for putting out quality work. I’m personally a HUGE fan of the ad examples that seem to be scraped from all over the web.

This is pure gold, plain and simple. Our business is currently focusing more on building our brand and customer engagement.

This alone would be worth the full cost of the course for us, the insights are just unreal for us. Keep it up Brad, you’ve got a gem on your hands here!

Will Perkins

Watch it pay for itself over and over and over again.
Like most store owners – I’ve always known I need to put more work into my store’s conversion rate, but I’ve always put it off in favor of sending more traffic.
I just didn’t really know how to start, and how to be systematic about it.

Enter Bradley’s course.

He is a true conversion master – breaking down advanced Google Analytics, conversion killers/multipliers and split-testing in a way that makes the whole thing way less daunting than before.

A complete no-brainer for any store owner – apply the information here and watch it pay for itself over and over and over again.”

Nick Fielding

Co-Founder of ecomisoft™

This is gold! This is a very important part of my business. If your website isn’t converting your wasting money on traffic!

Deshayla Flowers

On this page, I’m revealing…

Dear Shopify Store Owner,

Remember that vision you had for your business when you first started? How exciting everything was?

Well, it’s about to be that way again.

You’re just a few weeks away from enjoying the greater profits and income you’ve always wanted! In fact, you’re less than 60 days away from…

…taking control of your business fortunes…

…leveraging your time and energy to produce maximum results…

…enjoying tremendous advantages over your competitors…

…rediscovering the joy and satisfaction of success…

…and freeing yourself and your business to achieve greater success than you ever thought possible.
I’ve had my own e-commerce stores since 2005 and also work with a handful of select consulting clients to help them scientifically improve their conversion rates using my split-testing methodology.

I’ve worked with some of the world’s most sophisticated brands and many fast-growing ones you haven’t heard of yet.

Double and often triple-digit improvements in conversion are the norm.

I have a burning passion for helping store owners rapidly grow their businesses by routinely adding additional 6 and 7 figure sums to their bottom lines.

I’m able to reliably do this because of the unique system I am about to share with you…

I’m looking for an elite group of “e-commerce entrepreneurs” who want to get off the “Facebook traffic roller-coaster” and tap into the “stealth method” for turning an average-performing online business into a market dominator.

I’m talking about Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO).

Anyone can master this, whether you have any technical skills or not. And once you do, your ability to boost your site’s conversion rate soars.

You immediately take a giant leap forward in your ability to create winning split-test ideas with the hand of a master and evaluate them with the eye of a jeweler.

In fact, you’ll know more about CRO than 99.9% of web marketers.

But the unavoidable problem is that it takes time to acquire mastery, usually by doing your time at the school of hard knocks. Mainly because you must first unlearn several things you’ve been taught as gospel about how to increase your conversion rate.

Why your margins are getting squeezed

You already know that the online gold rush is over and the Google and Facebook Gods make getting traffic to your site harder every day.

Your cost-per-acquisition for every new customer has skyrocketed since you started out.

In today’s overcrowded market, simply focusing on buying more traffic—whether it’s organic or paid, just doesn’t cut it anymore.

This is why most online marketers are seeing their profits squeezed every year. And this will inevitably continue, as more players enter the market and Google grows increasingly immune to all the overworked SEO approaches that used to get results.
If you’ve been running Facebook ads over the last couple of years you would have felt this choke hold on your profits.

And if you’re just starting out with FB ads, then getting a decent return on your ad spend is significantly harder than it was 2 years ago. Not to mention the increased competition in your marketplace.

Because of this, your site needs to convert at least 122% better just to keep up.

Let others continue making low-ball returns whilst you rise above them with a better conversion rate, higher average order value and lifetime customer value.
You need a new approach to growing your business that works better. And that is why the advanced conversion secrets I teach are so much more effective than buying expensive traffic or even blindly following so-called “best practice” conversion.

They show you how to gain an unfair advantage over your competition, often without them even knowing what you’re up to.

Over the last 11 years, my “eCom Conversions System™” has been developed, road-tested on dozens of sites and painstakingly fine-tuned.

And to be honest, it won’t ever stop being tweaked, simply because we learn something from every split-test we run.

What is Conversion Rate Optimization?

Fundamentally, CRO is turning more of your website’s visitors into customers. Most of the web’s top performing sites are continually split-testing using this technique to dominate their markets and to squeeze every last drop of profit from every visitor.

But to do this you need split-testing software. Here’s an example of how this works; Let’s say that you have two ‘Add to Cart’ button designs that you want to try, and rather than debating which you prefer with your team or guessing which one’s better, you could run a quick and easy split-test in which

  • Half your visitors see Design A, and
  • Half see Design B.
This is called an A/B split-test. The split-testing software keeps track of the number of orders you receive for each version and tells you which one brought you the most orders. No more lengthy debates, no more guesswork.

Your visitors decide for you! Now let me tell you the whole story, there are only so many ‘Add to Cart’ button tests that you can run and pretty soon, there isn’t going to be any more fruit on the idea tree once you’ve exhausted all the obvious test ideas like headlines, images and call-to-actions.

You see, split-testing software doesn’t tell you what to test it only lets you carry out tests.

Not only that, but typically, these kinds of tests make mild improvements to your bottom line (and take ages to reach conclusion).

This is because they’re not addressing and overcoming your prospects’ fears and objections.

Knowing what to test is the hardest part! And this is where my “eCom Conversions System™” comes into play.

You need a reliable method of creating a river of test ideas that are going to move the needle for your business by a massive amount, not just 2 or 3% at a time.

This way, your tests reach conclusion far quicker, you’ll be able to run more of them in the same time period (I’ll spare you the math) and more importantly, the results will be game-changing.

A much faster way for your store to achieve market dominance

You’ve already done the hard part by having an established store. You’re 99% of the way there!

I know it may not feel that way at times. Especially when Google’s just slapped you with yet another algorithm update and your Facebook advertising is going through the roof.

But if you embrace the simple principles of conversion rate optimization that you’re about to learn, you will have taken the first step towards gaining a slight-edge that steadily becomes a gaping chasm between you and your closest competitors.

You see, competing for traffic is a fairly even playing field unless you’re head-to-head with behemoths like Amazon and eBay. But out-converting your competitors is the stealth tactic that takes them by complete surprise and will remain a complete enigma to them.

Here’s the thing, when it comes to marketing online, the market dominator gets the biggest slice of the pie whilst everyone else fights over the scraps.

And for you to be three times more profitable than your competitors it doesn’t mean you have to be three times better than them. You only have to be marginally better.
A conversion rate increase has a disproportionate impact on your profits.
Now let me explain, increasing your profit-per-visitor can have an exponential effect on your business’s profits and how much wealth you’re able to extract from it. Just a small uplift in your profit-per-visitor can result in a huge upswing in your overall profitability.

The One Immutable Law of Business Growth:

“The company that’s able to spend the most to acquire a new customer – wins.”

The thing is, your profits are surprisingly sensitive to your conversion rate.

What’s more, when your conversion rate rises, all-of-a-sudden you have spare cash to pump back into buying more traffic or even offline advertising.

You can out-bid and out-maneuver your competitors at every turn.

But you need to act now because if your competitors aren’t doing it already, soon enough they will come to the same realization that they can’t afford not to.

But for you, there’s a tremendous advantage in taking the lead now rather than forever floundering behind and losing money trying to keep up.

But can the eCom Conversions System™ work for my website?

Absolutely! This technique has brought double and triple-digit improvements for every type of e-commerce store, across dozens of niches:
  • Diet Meals & Health Foods
  • Home Improvement Products
  • Baby Equipment
  • Home Appliances
  • Damp-Proofing Products
  • Home Furnishings
  • Fire Protection Equipment
  • Vitamins & Supplements.
  • Human Hair Extensions
  • Home Security Products
  • Motorcycle Tours
  • T-shirt & Apparel Retailers
  • LED Lighting Suppliers
  • Cycling Equipment
  • Mobile Phone Accessories
  • Safari Vacations
  • Laser Hair Removal Devices
  • Catering Equipment
  • Footwear Retailers
  • Speciality Teas
  • Fishing Equipment
  • Jewelry store
I’ve helped grow stores in business-to-business and business-to-consumer markets. And in a variety of sectors, from consumer goods, travel, technology and leisure to finance and health.

See what supplements store owner, Jon Bennett has to say about the eCom Conversions System

51.9% improvement from a single home page split-test

The Best-Kept Secret of Store Owners Who Get Rich!

In an average year, I meet with more than 700 store owners, web marketing managers and consultants at various meet-ups, events and masterminds. And frankly, I’m amazed that so few of them have even heard about the techniques used in my eCom Conversions System™!

…You’d think they’d be a required module for every web marketing course on the planet.

…You’d think that the so-called internet marketing gurus would be shouting them from the rooftops.

…You’d think that they’d be front page news on business magazines in every developed country, worldwide.

But the fact is less than 1% of online marketers even know about them!

And that includes internet marketing gurus, web marketing bloggers and even high-priced consultants!

Of course, the exclusive handful of online business people who have mastered this system guard it like the crown jewels. They wouldn’t share them with you for a king’s ransom!

…But I want to introduce them to you, right here.

This treasure trove of conversion knowledge is based on more than 11 years’ worth of scientific split-tests on some of the world’s most sophisticated websites.

Here’s why I’ve been so successful doing that very thing…

I’ve had the very wonderful privilege in my professional career to be involved in industries from e-commerce stores of all sizes, across countless different niches, to B2B and B2C lead-gen sites to software services selling to both consumers and Fortune 500 companies.

And here’s what all of them have in common:
  1. They don’t just watch things happen or let things keep happening to them. They make things happen for themselves.
  2. They have an open mind to testing bold changes to their website.
  3. They stick to following the System I teach.
  4. They continually test everything.
The truth is, there are only three things you need to experience this level of success.

First, you need a foolproof system to follow that routinely gets solid results.

Secondly, you must have already mastered traffic-on-demand. Split-testing is a lot easier when you can send a fire house of traffic to a page.

Thirdly, you have to accept that not every test wins. On average 1 in 8 does. But every losing test teaches you something about which direction to head to find your next big winner.
Example of a winning split-test using the eCom Conversions System™ – 39.2% increase in conversions— the compound effect of a handful of these types of wins can easily double your business.

Out Think, Out-Earn, Out-Perform and Out Class Your Competition

Never before revealed, until this course, to anyone except my clients, this eCom Conversions System™ is, in my view, the most consistently successful proprietary formula ever devised for creating breakthrough conversion boosting sales and revenue … and gaining an overwhelming advantage against your competitors.

The six pillars of the eCom Conversions System™ are like puppet strings, and once you know how to pull on each, you can make your marketplace move to any melody you want to play.

Announcing the First Training Program Devoted to One Of The Most Important E-Commerce Growth Techniques You Need to Master In Order to Stay Ahead

eCom Conversions™ Secret #1 – Adopt The Conversion Master’s Mindset

As well as covering all the basics about how to set up a split-test, this fast-start module gives your business new light through old windows.

You’ll start to see your entire business as a constantly shifting experiment and you’ll quickly stop deliberating over what will and won’t work.

Your decisions won’t be a gamble anymore.

You’ll put your customers in charge, so to speak.

(On top of this, there’s a fantastic side effect, in the age of social media, companies that put their customers first tend to thrive.)

This game-changing mindset-shift stops you wasting money on the endless changes you’ve been making to your website that you have no idea whether they’re helping or hindering your conversion.

Not only that, but your internal processes will be streamlined by following this simple system for creating split-tests. No more lengthy and expensive website redesigns, your website’s design will be an evolution of winning split-test designs.

But in order to ensure you race out of the starting gate at maximum velocity and on the right trajectory, you need to know which of your web pages have the most wealth hidden in plain sight…

eCom Conversions™ Secret #2 – Find the Leaks in Your Bucket

Because you’re in the trenches of your business and you more than likely have built it from the ground up, it’s hard for you to see it as your visitors do.

This easy-to-follow module highlights your biggest testing opportunities by showing you precisely how to drill into your Google Analytics (even if you’re completely new to them) and see how visitors flow through your site.

What you get from this is a quick snapshot of how visitors arrive at your site and where they came from. You’ll be able to see exactly where your visitors are dropping-off in frustration or looping back to other pages in confusion.

This may sound like a lot of work but you won’t be spending long in your Analytics account. Once you’ve gleaned this valuable information and sketched out your entire conversion funnel as a simple flow diagram (this can literally be on the back of a napkin), it becomes your roadmap that pinpoints the pages to focus your split-testing on.

But Google Analytics only tells you what people are doing and not why…

eCom Conversions™ Secret #3 – Find Out Why Your Visitors Aren’t Converting

For the most part, the reason why your visitors aren’t converting isn’t apparent to you. But the truth is, you’re surrounded by simple obvious solutions and opportunities that can dramatically increase your income. The problem is that you just don’t see them—yet.

Not only that but, many store owners simply expect their visitors to “notice the shipping costs” or easily find the answers to the myriad of questions going through their prospects’ minds, “it’s all there on the website”.

But the truth is, there are only two reasons why your visitors aren’t converting

  • Poor user-experience – it doesn’t matter how beautiful your site looks, if the user experience is broken, users will bounce straight back to Google to find a better site or just give up altogether.
  • They weren’t persuaded – either by the price, the product/service or your company.
Of course, to get breakthrough results we need to find out, first-hand exactly why they gave-up on your site.

Unfortunately, visitors who didn’t convert leave your site without a trace. So what can you do to find out what they came for? What would have tipped the balance and persuaded them to take action?

Like I said before, if you owned a real-life, physical store, this would be simple: You’d hear their objections first-hand. You’d be able to ask questions and you’d hear what they mumbled as they headed out the door.

Online it’s much harder, but it can be done.

Here’s how it works, I’ll walk you through step-by-step how to set up the tools you need to uncover what’s turning your prospects off, what’s confusing them and what they don’t trust about your business, product or service.

I’ll show you exactly what to ask your prospects and existing customers to find out what their objections are and what’s broken with your user experience.

Next, I’ll show you how to turn the feedback you’ve gathered into a raft of split-test ideas…

eCom Conversions™ Secret #4 – What to Split-Test to Get Double & Treble-Digit Improvements

So-called “best practices” don’t work because they are not directly connected to the specific problem YOUR visitors are having with YOUR website. Because of this, your split-test ideas should be based on overcoming your visitors’ objections or fixing the usability breakdowns that you’ve garnered from your visitors’ feedback.

Let’s say that your site sells a 3D printers and your research uncovers that your visitors’ top two objections are:

(i) price and
(ii) feeling confused and overwhelmed by the number of product choices offered.

Here’s the thing, there are dozens of ways to beat back a price objection from re-crafting your offer, increasing the perceived value with added bonuses, or demonstrating how alternative options would cost significantly more — to name just a few.

Of course, price is often an objection for many sites so eCom Conversions™ gives you a full module on pricing strategies alone. Everything is covered by reshaping your offers to demonstrating the full value of your product(s).

You can decide whether to tackle one or more of your objections in a single split-test. There are benefits to isolating changes in a test and there are benefits of creating big, bold tests. (How to decide which is best is covered in detail in the Split-Testing 101 module.)

Here’s how you might shoot down the second objection of users feeling confused and overwhelmed;

Let’s say you currently offer 5 options for your 3D printer.

…Can you reduce the number of options down to three?

…Can you create a wizard to help users reach a decision?

…Can you create a comparison chart that clearly defines the benefits and helps users discern on your behalf?

Do you think that running tests that laser-target these objections will move the needle more than fooling around with the layout, colors or call-to-action button?

This in-depth module walks you through example after example of winning split-tests for every type of e-commerce store in every type of market.

This million dollar swipe file gives you a cavalcade of conversion boosting ideas that can be adopted, adapted and applied to your own split-tests.

eCom Conversions™ Secret #5 – Leveraging The “Conversion Multipliers”

In the early days, I was wildly “test happy” I liked to test everything that could possibly—even remotely—influence conversions.

That included all the usual suspects such as headlines, designs, prices, premiums, offers, Stone-see-saw-true and so on.

But I also ran quite a few “oddball” tests that most split-testers would never even think of trying, including some very unconventional designs and approaches to writing web-copy.

After running hundreds of tests on dozens of stores (some winners and a lot of losers), I realized that there are 15 high leverage points on any store that when you pull the lever, they produce results.

I call these 15 levers “Conversion Multipliers” and the eCom Conversions™ training has a module dedicated to each.

Once you implement what I show you and pull the levers, it’s like a one-armed-bandit that’s rigged in your favor!

eCom Conversions™ Secret #6 – The “Make-It-Easy” Approach to Online Persuasion

I’ve read close to 80,000 individual responses to online feedback polls and surveys, live chat transcripts and user tests.

And it doesn’t take long to start to see a distinct pattern learning-and-peruasionforming — regardless of the product, niche or store.

What I noticed is that would-be purchasers have a set number of questions that they hold in their “mental shopping list” that you must answer in order to satisfy them that:

  • You’re a legitimate business;
  • They can easily get in touch if they need to;
  • That their personal details are safe;
  • They’ll get their money back if something goes wrong.

And what I ended up with is a definitive list of questions, concerns and worries that pretty much anyone who buys anything online holds in their heads when they’re looking to purchase from a store they’ve never bought from before.

Miss any item off of this 17-point checklist and you’ll be dampening your chances of making the sale.

But don’t worry, the “Web Shoppers’ Checklist” module ensures you generate off-the-chart results by knowing exactly what to say and do to check every box.

Change Your Strategy and You Change Your Business

This simple, yet profound insight has been the conversion catalyst responsible for sparking staggering profit momentum in online stores like yours.

If your current business growth strategy is hoping that your traffic picks-up or if you’re stores blundering about with “best practice” testing ideas — you need to take this insight to heart.

Follow my simple eCom Conversions System™ and you can revolutionize your business in days, weeks and months… rather than years.

An action is essential to business growth. But it must be calculated, focused, strategic action.

Conversely, inaction as well as taking the wrong action can actually accelerate the failure of your business in the face of growing competition.

Have you ever contemplated that sober reality? If not—you need to.

The eCom Conversions System™ works for every type of e-commerce store you can name. For every type of product… in every market.

It’s so unshakeably reliable that it will let you know with almost unerring precision — even before you test! — how strong your challenger page is going to be.

If your message doesn’t answer the key objections you’ve uncovered or doesn’t fix a usability problem, you will know it instantly—just by reviewing your test page and seeing if each required element is present or not.

That’s how easy it is.

This means you can know exactly where and how any test page needs to be strengthened to crank it up to maximum pulling power.

This means that the same time you spend… the same effort you make… the same opportunity cost you’ve unknowingly been wasting… the same financial expense you’re already bearing – if applied differently, could now produce for you as much as 10%, 20%, 30% or even 150% more.

How Minor Adjustments Can Add Up to Big Profits

This leads me to another important point about CRO…

Don’t underestimate the power of making a series of seemingly small improvements to compounded-effect your conversion rate.

My observation is that the compound effect of a chain of winning tests has a disproportionate impact on improving your gross profit.

And just so I’m ultra, ultra conservative with my examples here…

What effect would increase your conversion rate by only 40% (instead of 200%) have on your bottom-line?

Now for most businesses, given your fixed overhead, a “mere”.

A 40% increase is probably exceedingly profitable. Conceivably it could double, triple, maybe even redouble again the profits you’d make.
But during this breakthrough, 24 module program, I’m going to share with you and demonstrate all kinds of real-world ways that we can get you multiplied results—many times greater than a 40% bump in conversion!

Become a Walking “A-Z” Conversion Mastermind In 6 Hours

Frankly, I haven’t even scratched the surface of every strategy, tactic, principle, common mistake, philosophy, modality and conversion success formula we’re going to cover in explicit detail during this 24 module program.

Just know we will go into detail on such important considerations as:

  • How to use the handful of tools you’ll need to gather visitor feedback.
  • The four most revealing questions to ask to uncover your prospects’ objections.
  • The sneaky trick to finding out exactly what visitors think of your competitors’ sites.
  • The secret to generating a cavalcade of conversion boosting split-test ideas.
  • 15 quick, conversion multipliers that will work on the near-any online store.
  • If your visitors have price objections, what strategies to use to quickly dissolve them.
  • What to say to persuade your visitors to buy from you.
  • How to prioritize your split-test ideas for the quickest impact on your bottom-line.
  • The fastest, easiest way to set up a split-test and have it running in under 5 minutes.
  • The 3 most important factors in determining when to conclude a split-test.
…and so much more.

Key Benefit #1: Walk Away With the Complete CRO “Big Picture” To Quickly Boost Your Conversion

In each of the modules for this unique, 24 module online program, you’ll be walked through one of the pillars of CRO success that make-up the eCom Conversions System™ members area.

You can also ask any follow-up questions you have on any of 3 x live Q&A calls.

This gives you the chance to examine, evaluate and inspect each relevant piece of the CRO puzzle before putting it into practice. The Q&A calls let you ask any follow-up questions about what you’ve learned and implemented.

But don’t worry, if you can’t make a call or miss any part of the crucial detail—you can watch the videos anytime in your members’ area.

Because of this, you get a fully integrated game plan tailored to your business, not just a fistful of concepts.

Key Benefit #2: Be Part of a Community of Like-Minded “eCompreneurs”

Another defining feature of this program I’m excited about (because I’ve witnessed its transformational power firsthand) is the level of individual and group involvement.

With most other online marketing courses, you sit in isolation, soaking up the information and trying to figure out how to apply it to your individual business.

Over the last few years, I’ve come to realize the explosive role that encouragement, feedback and accountability from other like-minded individuals play in your business development and success.

Frankly, you’ll never reach your conversion goals or the highest summit of success without the collaborative support of others.

Here’s the thing, by being part of the group you get to regularly exercise your conversion mindset muscles and even if it’s not your website in the hot seat—you’ll have a barn full of conversion boosting ideas that can be adopted, adapted and applied to your own site.

On top of this, you get to connect and collaborate with our conversion community and start helping one another whenever you need a quick sanity check on your ideas or some brutally honest feedback on your web pages.

It’s like plugging into 50 people with 20 years experience. It’s like 2,000 years of perspectives, all integrated together into one 8 week program and beyond—a very powerful dynamic. You’re going to love this component of the program.

This element, all by itself is realistically worth $1,000.00 a year in hard costs, but just one winning split-test idea has the potential of being worth many times that amount to you and your business.

Based on past experience, I think it’s absolutely essential to assure your optimum success.

Join today and you’ll also receive these 4 limited time bonuses…

Bonus #1 My private swipe file of screenshots from top performing e-commerce stores and funnels—complete with critiques and explanations on every conversion boosting element.

Bonus #2 Access to my closed door Facebook group. Rub shoulders with the most forward-thinking Shopify store owners and conversion masters. Get your burning questions answered, learn, absorb, adopt and adapt everything that’s shared in this knowledge-packed community.

Bonus #3 $5 Million Dollar Case Study – see the exact steps taken to increase conversions by 220% adding an additional $5m in revenue to a single store.

Bonus #4 3 Month Hotjar Trial – Hotjar helps you find out why your visitors aren’t converting so you can fix your conversion killers and bank more profits.

In-stru-mental in our growth this year...

We started aggressively running Facebook ads for the first time in 2015 but getting an ROI can be unpredictable. Since we've been split-testing our site we've seen an increased conversion rate and profit-per-visitor.

It's meant that we're getting a better ROI on our ad spend and also have more to reinvest back into buying more traffic to out-gun our competitors.

If you want to remain competitive in your market, you need to understand how to do CRO properly and this course makes it foolproof.

Chris Logan


Our business has more than doubled

Forget "best practice" and forget trying to guess what will boost your conversions.

This is by far the best training there is for conversion rate optimization. Use it to find out what your visitors think, base your tests on the feedback and see your conversions go through the roof.

In a nutshell, our business has more than doubled since implementing what Bradley teaches.

Ian Stainton

This Is NOT For Everybody. Here’s Who This Program CAN Help:

I pride myself on the exceptionally low refund rate on the programs I’ve released in the past. And the main reason is that I’m always explicit about who the training is for.

So to get the most out of this system you must meet the following criteria:

1. You have to have a solid business already. This offer is for people who are already up and running and simply want to run a lot faster and a lot farther. This will not work for beginners, get rich quick wannabes, or “biz-opp” folks. Nothing wrong with that, but this would not be the right product for you.

2. You must have a steady flow of leads and customers. This means that you’re getting consistent traffic and making sales already. You are getting at least 10,000 visitors per month (split-testing is painfully slow with less traffic) and you’re selling stuff. You don’t have to be a “market leader” – I’ll help you get there – but you do need to be at least a significant player in your market.

3. You must have a decent, solid product/service and a good reputation. Everything we do together will not only be bringing you more sales and profits, but will be moving you toward a position of “market dominance”. We can’t do that by “painting a pig” so you need to be able to visualize your business in that dominance position and have it make sense.

4. You MUST take action. Just going through the training and turning up to the 3 x Q&A live calls isn’t enough. You must design and implement split-tests using what you’re about to learn.

That’s it!

Your Next Step…

To be part of this extraordinary and life-changing program, click the ‘Add to Cart’ button below.

You’ll get immediate access to my eCom Conversions System™ which reinvents, renews and recharges your business.

You’ll be the one to determine the size of the new paycheck you want to start taking home. The first step starts with joining the program by clicking the button below, but hurry – copies are limited to 250 attendees for this first intake of students so our 3 x live Q&A calls don’t become overloaded.

You must “out-compete” your competitors. In other words, you must “out-market” AND “out-convert” them. And the eCom Conversions System™ is your way straight to the top.

If you have any questions or need to see exactly how the program would best help you, please email [email protected]. My team or I will gladly answer your specific questions or make sure you get what your business needs.

I’ve Cut the $10,000 Price Down to $1,497 to Make It Irresistible

Even though I was torn about pricing this program (my consulting clients are paying $10,000 per month with a minimum 6-month engagement for the exact same system) I’ve decided your investment should be far less.

Again, I want it irresistibly appealing to take part. So you’ll pay just $1,497 backed with…

30 Days Money-Back Guarantee

I want you to feel safe trying out the eCom Conversion System™, so I’m giving you an entire 30 days to test drive it, and get the results you deserve.

If, after 30 days of applying everything that I have shown you in the training and you’ve successfully run at least 2 split-tests, you’re not seeing any measurable results, then send me an email. I’ll spend 30 minutes looking at what you’ve done, and I’ll aim to find the problem and fix it. If I still can’t solve the problem, I’ll grant you an immediate 100% refund on the spot.

Please note that I cannot offer refunds for buyers that have no reasonable reason to refund. In order to process your refund, I will ask to see that you legitimately tried to use the eCom Conversion System™ and that it didn’t work for you, in any way.

The Cost Of NOT Acquiring This Information Is Greater Than Acquiring It!

Let me ask you a question: Can you REALLY afford to risk losing all those sales because you were too cheap to invest in the eCom Conversions System™?

Are you willing to forever DOOM yourself to mediocre sales if you’re not raking it in like you want to?

And are you ready to forever handicap yourself from catapulting your business so you can live the life you deserve… and generate the freedom and independence having a lucrative business can give you?

Conversion power is what separates most of the “haves” and the “have-nots.” And mediocre conversion skills will forever BAN you from achieving greater success in your business.

You’re better than that. And that’s why I packed every single conversion technique, strategy, and tactic most e-commerce store owners will NEVER know into eCom Conversions™.

So don’t miss out on this opportunity to grab the jealously-guarded secrets of one of the world’s highest paid and most in-demand CRO consultants. People wouldn’t be willing to pay over $2,000 per hour for my advice if it didn’t siphon cash into my client’s bank account like a vacuum on steroids.

And with my 30-day guarantee, you have nothing to lose…and there’s no way you can make a mistake.

So don’t make the mistake of ignoring this letter and “going at this alone” when it comes to improving your conversion skills. You simply won’t close as many sales as you should… nor will you get the maximum return on your marketing investment.

That’s what eCom Conversions™ is all about. So order right now and get access right away!

Apply The eCom Conversions System™ to Your Business

My eCom Conversions System™ works when you work it.

If you stray too far from the tracks or try to shortcut any of the methods, your results will be dampened.

But if you commit the time and effort to learn and deploy my mindset, system and methods, I can virtually guarantee your success…

It won’t take years… It doesn’t even have to take months…

Literally days from now, just from the foundation materials alone, you can start running split-tests that produce mammoth growth in your business.

You’ll experience the financial freedom, compound business growth and success you always wanted, but maybe lacked the specific tools or knowledge/direction to achieve it.

After going adopting the eCom Conversions System™ into your business, you will emerge as the most astute and formidable conversion and marketing maven in your market, industry or field.

A year from now, (if you join the training program), you’ll be looking back on today as one of the soundest and best business and personal decisions you’ve ever made.

You will be well on your way to building a market dominating, exceptionally profitable business.

Lastly, there is no feeling greater in the world than knowing that your business is perpetually creating revenue, increased cash flow and compounding profits…

…Where you have the freedom to structure your own lifestyle…

…Where you run the business and the business doesn’t run you…

…Where you don’t just compete in your market, but you dominate it!

I want this more than anything for you— and this program can and will give it to you!

In summary, I wish you the best of success with your business and I sincerely hope to see you inside the members’ area so you can take the first step to the success you so richly deserve.


Bradley Long

Here’s What Other People Are Saying About eCom Conversions™…

Here’s What Other People Are Saying About eCom Conversions™…

Listen to these people, they are REAL GENUINE online business owners that have worked with me and they volunteered to share their experience with you.

Easy to follow system and real-world results

My team and I have been through the training and we've implemented several tests that were fuelled by what Bradley teaches. The system is easy to follow and you get real-world results if you stick to it.

Not every test has been a winner but that's expected, but we've also had some high double-digit wins so far and we still have tons in the pipeline.

If you want a paint by numbers way to grow your business that isn't some traffic hack, get eCom Conversions!

James Fearn

Store Owner - Home Improvement Niche

Pivotal in tripling my business

Bradley helped triple the revenues of my previous business by finding out what was stopping our visitors from buying and scientifically redesigning our website to dramatically improve conversions.

Based on all the visitor intelligence he helped gather, we also realized that our value proposition was off-target. We quickly changed it and it was instrumental in the triple-digit growth we achieved.

We’ve worked together on other projects since and if you’re looking for someone to get results, work with Bradley."

Nick Dutton

Join the eCom Conversions

Bonus #1

My private swipe file of screenshots from top performing e-commerce stores and funnels—complete with critiques and explanations on every conversion boosting element.

Bonus #2

Access to my closed door Facebook group. Rub shoulders with the most forward thinking Shopify store owners and conversion masters. Get your burning questions answered, learn, absorb, adopt and adapt everything that’s shared in this knowledge-packed community.

Bonus #3

$5 Million Dollar Case Study – see the exact steps taken to increase conversions by 220% adding an additional $5m in revenue to a single store.

Bonus #4

3 Month Hotjar Trial – Hotjar helps you find out why your visitors aren’t converting so you can fix your conversion killers and bank more profits.

Still have questions?

How much traffic do I need for this to work?

You’ll need to have at least 10,000 visitors coming to your site each and every month. That’s why this course is for intermediate and advanced Shopify store owners only.

My site already has a good conversion rate, what sort of improvements can I expect?

You’ll need to have at least 10,000 visitors coming to your site each and every month. That’s why this course is for intermediate and advanced Shopify store owners only.

Can I use Google Content Experiments to run split-tests?

You can, but it’s nowhere near as sophisticated as Visual Website Optimizer or Optimizely. It doesn’t allow you to target specific visitors, i.e. new vs returning. It also has a very basic test creation wizard. The others have simple but sophisticated WYSIWYG test creator and other advanced options.

Do I need any special tools or software?

Yes, you’ll need a subscription to a split-testing platform like Optimizely or Visual Website Optimizer to run your split-tests. You’ll also need HotJar to uncover your conversion killers.

Do I need a developer to implement tests?

It depends, there are dozens of test ideas in the program that won’t require any developer input but if you want to run some more sophisticated tests, then you likely will. Most split-testing platforms have a WYSIWYG editor that you can easily implement tests with.

What if my store isn’t on Shopify?

It depends, there are dozens of test ideas in the program that won’t require any developer input but if you want to run some more sophisticated tests, then you likely will. Most split-testing platforms have a WYSIWYG editor that you can easily implement tests with.

30 Days Money-back Guarantee

We want you to feel safe trying out the eCom Conversion System™, so we’re giving you an entire 30 days to test drive it, and get the results you deserve.

If, after 30 days of applying everything that we have shown you in the training and you’ve successfully run at least 2 split-tests, you’re not seeing any measurable results, then send us an email. We’ll spend 30 minutes looking at what you’ve done, and we’ll aim to find the problem and fix it. If we still can’t solve the problem, we’ll grant you an immediate 100% refund on the spot.

Please note that we cannot offer refunds for buyers that have no reasonable reason to refund. In order to process your refund, we will ask to see that you legitimately tried to use the eCom Conversion System™ and that it didn’t work for you, in any way.
Grab it Today!
Got any questions? Email me at [email protected]

To your success!
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